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How to create my own queue?

One of the benefits of a Premium membership is the ability to create your own private queues.

To get started go to My Queues and click Create Queue. Here are the options that you should fill in

Queue Name and Description

Type the title of your queue and any information that your members will be able to see. This may include the purpose of the queue, what kind of feedback you're hoping to get, what kind of stories will be submitted. You can also select an icon and a color for your queue. These can be changed at any time.

Choose queue type

Choose what kind of queue you want to run. There are two choices. The most used choice is Normal which is a queue into which you or your members submit stories similar to the public queues. The other queue is Beta Reading which is a highly specialized queue type for beta reading instead of the normal inline critique process. See more information here. Once you create your queue this cannot be changed.

Do critters get credits?

Do you want to use the credit system? You can choose to have the same kind of credit system as the public queues (three credits to submit a story, credits given depending on length of the story, etc.). Or you can choose to use no credits; people post their stories for free and don't get credit for critiquing. You will typically want to use credits. Once you create your queue this cannot be changed.

Is this a period queue?

Choose a time period for your queue. You can choose to have your queue run on CC's Wednesday to Wednesday schedule, where there are a limited number of stories each week and they're switched out every Wednesday. Another choice is to choose no period for the queue, where stories go up as they're submitted and there is no time period. In this case, people can critique at their leisure until the owner chooses to move the stories into the archives. Our members will most often choose not to run on a period.

There are some additional steps at the bottom of the form which you can change at any time in the future.

Allow other people to submit stories into the queue

If this is toggled then other premium members are able to submit stories into your queue. Typically personal queues are only meant for the member who created the queue but in certain instances you might want to allow other people to submit stories as well.

Invitation only

If the queue is marked as 'invitation only' other people will need to request an invitation to the queue. Otherwise other people will be able to add themselves into the queue, for example if you send them a link to the queue.

Looking for members

If your queue is marked as 'looking for members' it will be listed on the open queues page and other people will be able to discover it and join from there.

Once you create the queue you can start inviting members into it and submitting your stories. You add members by going to the Members tab on your queue page and you submit stories to your new queue by selecting it on the 'submit story' page.

You might want to watch this tutorial video on Private Queues. It is a little outdated but gives some good advice.

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